Our Story

Our Story

AdiVeer Production LLP (AVPL)

AdiVeer Production LLP (AVPL) was born from a dream, ignited by an unwavering passion to share captivating stories with the world. As our journey unfolded, it became apparent that the intimate connection between people and books was slowly fading.

This realization sparked a question within us:

How can we bring narratives to a broader audience, transcending the boundary of the written word?

At the helm of AVPL stands Rajiv Shah, a visionary Founder. Rajiv's heart resonates with the soul of an author, while his professional path led him to conquer the realm of Chartered Accountancy. His driving force was a profound aspiration to breathe life into stories that dance vividly within his novels.

Driven by the pages of his literary works, we have embarked on an earnest mission to transform these literary treasures into dynamic shows and films.

But our ambitions stretch beyond the confines of adaptation. We have embraced a larger purpose:

to serve as a platform for fellow authors and storytellers harboring stories that possess the potential to reshape perspectives and ignite change on a global scale

From the conception of ideas to the completion of bringing these visions to life, we invest ourselves in every step of the creative process, including post-production refinement. In the grand tapestry of storytelling, AdiVeer Production stands as a testament to unbridled passion, relentless innovation, and an unwavering dedication to the art of visual narrative.

In Film We Trust

Our Inspired By Stories Driven By Mission

Our Vision

To create exceptional content spanning diverse genres, resonating with viewers from all walks of life.

Our Mission

Our strategy involves weaving narratives that captivate with logic, thrill and excitement, that leaves you wanting for more.

We serve as a conduit for authors and story tellers to transform their compelling stories into media and uphold a commitment to deliver our product successfully within time, cost and quality parameters.

© 2023 AdiVeer Productions, All rights reserved.